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Client Success Story: How Regular Massage Therapy Helped Manage Scoliosis

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At NOLA Stretch and Recovery, we take immense pride in the success stories of our clients. One such inspiring journey is that of a long-term client who has been with us since 2007. In this post, we’ll delve into her story, highlighting the significant impact that regular massage therapy has had on her scoliosis and overall well-being. If you’re seeking a massage therapist in New Orleans, this story might just provide the motivation you need to start your own journey to better health.

Meeting Lydia and the Start of a Healing Journey

In 2007, our client, dealing with scoliosis, began her journey with Lydia Stevens Cabibi, the founder of NOLA Stretch. Initially referred by a chiropractor friend who suggested that she needed more massages than chiropractic adjustments, our client started visiting Lydia every three weeks. From the very first massage, it was clear that this partnership would lead to significant improvements in her condition. Lydia’s tailored approach, focusing on the specific needs of her clients, began to show promising results early on.

The Turning Point: Professional Medical Insights

A couple of years ago, our client was advised by someone to see a medical doctor for her scoliosis, something she had never done before. The doctor’s assessment, including an X-ray and a thorough examination, led to an unexpected conclusion. The doctor was impressed by her condition, noting that whatever regimen she was following was working exceptionally well. This validation from a medical professional reinforced the effectiveness of the consistent, personalized massage therapy sessions she had been receiving from Lydia.

The Impact of Regular Massage Therapy

Massage therapy, especially when administered by a skilled and experienced professional like Lydia, can have profound benefits for individuals with scoliosis. Our client’s experience is a testament to this. Over the years, the regular sessions not only helped manage her scoliosis but also provided significant relief from pain and improved her overall quality of life. The combination of stretching, massage, and targeted therapies offered at NOLA Stretch and Recovery has proven to be a powerful tool in her wellness arsenal.

The Benefits of a Holistic Approach

One of the key takeaways from our client’s story is the importance of a holistic approach to health and wellness. At NOLA Stretch, we integrate various therapies to address both the body and mind. This comprehensive approach ensures that our clients receive the most effective and beneficial treatments possible. For our client, this meant not just managing the symptoms of scoliosis but also enhancing her flexibility, mobility, and overall sense of well-being.

Encouragement for New Clients

We understand that dealing with pain and chronic conditions like scoliosis can be daunting. It’s often hard to know where to start or whom to trust. Our client’s story serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement. She found relief and improvement through regular massage therapy sessions at NOLA Stretch and Recovery, and you can too. Whether you’re struggling with scoliosis or other physical ailments, our team is dedicated to providing personalized care that targets your specific needs.


At NOLA Stretch and Recovery, we believe in the power of personalized, consistent care. Our client’s journey with scoliosis is a powerful example of how regular massage therapy can lead to significant health improvements. If you’re searching for a massage therapist in New Orleans, consider NOLA Stretch. Come experience the benefits of our expert techniques, tailored treatments, and holistic approach to wellness. Start your journey to feeling better today, just like our client did all those years ago.

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